Refund Schedule and Policies

If you withdraw from University housing after the beginning of the contract period (see Room Change and Withdrawal), you will forfeit your room deposit and be refunded your room and meal plan charges based on the day you checkout (see Move-out Instructions) according to the following schedule:

  • 100%: Prior to midnight on the day the halls open.
  • 90%: First week* of the quarter.
  • 75%: Second week of the quarter.
  • 50%: Third week of the quarter.
  • 25%: Fourth and fifth week of the quarter.
  • 0%: Sixth week of the quarter and following.

* The first week of the quarter begins the day after the residence halls open and ends the Monday after the first day of classes. Each successive week runs Tuesday through Monday.

No refunds are given for Block 50 or Block 25. Falcon Funds are subject to their own refund policy described here.

Questions about housing or meal plans?

Send questions or comments to or call 206-281-2188.