Affirmation of Faith and Inclusion

We are seeking to select resident advisors from a variety of identities and backgrounds (i.e. - sex, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, nation-of-origin, citizenship, and persons with (dis)Abilities) who also identify as Christian, and who will contribute to the spiritual exploration and development of our communities. Please see job description for role requirements and accommodations available.

We affirm our institutional statement of faith in its wholeness, and also want to highlight our ecumenical roots:

We believe that theological diversity, when grounded in historic orthodoxy and a common and vital faith in Christ, enriches learning and bears witness to our Lord’s call for unity within the church. We are also well aware of other dividing walls that separate people from one another, walls that Christ desires to break down — walls of gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, language, and class. We believe that Christ calls us to value diversity and to seek ways for all persons in our university community to grow in their individual giftedness and to contribute in meaningful ways to our common life and work. Thus, in all of our diversity, we are centered in Christ, and called by him to shape, model, and participate together in grace-filled community.

RA contributions to community spiritual exploration and development will range from the unspoken testimony that one’s life communicates through service, integrity, and character to impactful conversations and intentional practices that are shared with those served. There is a richness of learning and sharing that is uniquely possible on this campus due to the diversity of faith traditions, belief-systems, and worldviews represented on our campus both within and outside of the Christian faith. The integration of faith in the RA role means that RAs enter into these theologically diverse spaces with an open, humble, and Christ-centered stance. These spaces can invoke questioning, doubt, revelation, awe, and new understandings of who God is, and who we are called to be in response. RAs are not expected to have all of the answers, or to have figured out how to reconcile all of the larger questions about identity, relationship, justice, etc. that intersect with faith. However, we do expect that RAs will participate in the exploration of these issues, and the impact they have on our communities.

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